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Elder Kearon underscored the importance of sharing the gospel with great feelings of joy. And he shared his experience and observation that the Church is led by individuals who feel both joy and hope for the future.

Claro q evito ao máximo responder a ela contudo as vezes escapa. Este momento por exemplo nosso gato mexeu com … Continue lendo → Este post É pecado discutir utilizando a mãe por algo errado […]

O gravíssimo pecado de Davi nos ensina uma poderosa lição Derivado do a tristeza enquanto efeito do pecado, e a oportunidade por arrependimento qual esse sentimento representa.

O lindo louvor de Midian Lima é um lembrete do de que se colocarmos Deus tais como prioridade em nossas vidas, nada poderá nos atingir. Ele manter-seá ao nosso lado em todos os momentos da minha e sua vida, nos confortando e nos protegendo.

A jovem cantora Maria Marçal revela na música “Deserto” a prova do amor do Deus por todos nós e de como não precisamos de provas de modo a ter fé em nosso Senhor. Com uma voz forte e segura, a cantora nos relembra qual precisamente no deserto Ele manter-seá cuidando por nós.

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The consensus among modern scholars is that the gospels are a subset of the ancient genre of bios, or ancient biography.[46] Ancient biographies were concerned with providing examples for readers to emulate while preserving and promoting the subject's reputation and memory; the gospels were never simply biographical, they were propaganda and kerygma (preaching).

O apresentador Rogério Vilela questionou Douglas Gonçalves Derivado do o qual sãeste as Escrituras, e o pastor fundador do movimento JesusCopy conceituou tua resposta usando base pelo conceito do “Deus presente”.…

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The Gospel of Thomas The many apocryphal gospels arose from the 1st century onward, frequently under assumed names to enhance their credibility and authority, and often from within branches of Christianity that were eventually branded heretical.[60] They can be broadly organised into the following categories:[61]

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The authority and power of a missionary’s calling bring tremendous responsibility as well, she explained.

The two were asked to speak about a missionary’s purpose and the authority and power of his or her calling. Sister Kearon taught about the authority from God to preach the gospel that comes to each missionary who is set apart by one who holds priesthood keys.

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